Aries: Do you feel something?
Sagittarius: Just you walking in the room.
Aries: You think you can charm anyone.
Sagittarius: I can.
Aries: But then you leave as soon as things get hard.
Sagittarius: I need to be free so I can want you again.
Aries: I don’t really want you tbh.
Sagittarius: What do you want?
Aries: 100 lovers.
Sagittarius: Well now you sound like me.
Aries: One could mistake us for the same person but we’re very different.
Sagittarius: Not very.
Aries: Yes, very. For example, I’m not wearing anything under my coat.
Sagittarius: Hot.
Aries: Should we just stop talking and fuck?
Sagittarius: What did talking ever do for people…
Aries: Nothing.
Sagittarius: Absolutely nothing.
Aries: But I actually want to keep talking.
Sagittarius: About what? I’m bored.
Aries: About myself. The only subject I care about.
Sagittarius: I think we should do shots.
Aries: I like to lose control but only if it’s scheduled. Like Wednesdays at 10.
Sagittarius: It’s Wednesday at 8:53.
Aries: Should we start a business together?
Sagittarius: Whatever.
Aries: What are you doing!?
Sagittarius: I’m doing shots.
Aries: *takes off coat* Do them off me.
[They fuck.]