Happy holidays to all of you who are celebrating. The days after the solstice are so powerful. May they be good to you and as always, send us your charts and personal questions here: astropoets@gmail.com
The Astro Poets
Question 1
Dear Astro Poets,
I’m a Leo sun, Taurus moon, Aquarius rising and Libra Venus. I’ve been dating a Sagittarius sun, Libra moon and Scorpio Venus off and on for five years. Despite both of us exclusively dating each other the Sagittarius refuses to formally commit to me.
I love our time together and I have grown immensely as an individual since he’s been in my life. However we constantly go through this cycle where we get very close and then he emotionally distances himself.
I stay and bear through the distance but am wondering if I should continue to stay. I feel like he’s my person for life but also wonder if I’m settling for someone who won’t fully ever be committed to a life with me. Is there any guidance you can offer in this situation?
Sun: Leo
Moon: Taurus
Rising: Aquarius
Venus: Libra
Mars: Cancer
Mercury: Virgo
Sun: Sagittarius
Moon: Libra
Rising: Pisces
Venus: Scorpio
Mars: Capricorn
Mercury: Scorpio
Dear Leo,
This is classic for most people with a sun in Sagittarius. The word commitment is not their favorite. Not to mention the actual act. Sagittarius is a sign for an idealist. An idealism that holds on to freedom, wanderlust, and the idea of the impossible dream.
If you want a very traditional type of relationship (and everyone should get what they want!), in terms of commitment, Sags might not be the easiest sign. I completely understand how frustrating this is. It’s not that a Sagittarius doesn’t fully love or want to spend an eternity with their loved one. It’s that they need the possibility for adventure always. To feel like they could go in any direction, on any given day.
That isn’t to say they will abandon those they love. They may even take them with on this journey. But you have to ask yourself what you want. Leo and Taurus (your major placements) are both fixed. You desire stability. You want warmth and fire and spontaneity but you also want all those to be reliable.
A Sagittarius is not the most reliable sign. Again, this isn’t to say they will pick up and leave. But they do follow their bliss. When they are happy, they’ll be happy with you. When they are not, they could pull a radical move.
It sounds like this is a conversation worth having with you Sagittarius. Tell them what you can and cannot tolerate. But also leave some wiggle room. Maybe after this conversation something changes in them or in you. Let’s see what happens when the cards are on the table. It’s hard to be earnest with a Sagittarius but it’s worth it. I say give this a chance. But also know what you ultimately want for your own future.