Divination from Beautiful Books: Catullus
Hi friends,
We are back again with more divination from beautiful books.
It’s a full moon in Libra soon, so we thought it would be a perfect time to see what the next few days will bring for each of us.
The book we used for divination is Peter Green’s translation of Catullus’s The Poems of Catullus (University of California Press, 2005).
We don’t know Catullus’s actual birthday, but we think he was a Pisces.
The full moon this week will bring lots of Libra-ness into the atmosphere. Libra energy is often focused on balance and harmony (that is, except when it isn’t).
The question we focused on for divination for the full moon in Libra was: How can I achieve harmony and happiness in my life right now?
To find the lines for divination, we used the direction of some magical objects.
We hope you will enjoy reading Catullus’s gorgeous lines about your gorgeous signs!
The Astro Poets