Divination From Beautiful Books: Jessica Q. Stark's Savage Pageant
Hi friends,
In honor of the Gemini Full Moon today, I thought I would do some divination with Jessica Q. Stark’s Savage Pageant (Birds, LLC, 2020).
Jessica Q. Stark is a Gemini Poetry Goddess, so her poems felt like the right language for this moon moment. To find the lines for divination, I used the direction of some magical objects. The question I focused on for divination was: How will the Gemini Full Moon be for each of us?
I hope you will enjoy reading Stark’s beautiful lines in response to your beautiful signs! I also hope you will feel empowered to do divination on your own with your own beautiful books of poetry in the future.
What we really wanted was
The chaos of this Gemini Full Moon is testing your reserve of strength. You want to give up, but in so many ways you are too exhausted to even know how to. That’s a good thing. You shouldn’t give up at all. In fact you should add every ounce of force to what you are doing now. Most of all, remember what you really want. The chaos will continue. But you will be steady in the face of it.
elementary lessons
You find so much beauty in things that are not adorned with unnecessary frills. And yet you also love the excess of things. In this Gemini Full Moon, you should go back to lessons that you learned a long time ago. What are the basic foundations for what you love? You don’t need to be strict with your learning. But you must be connected back to what once moved you.