This Saturday, June 3, right before midnight EST, we will have a full moon in Sagittarius.
Sagittarius energy, as we know, is a truth elixir.
Sagittarius tells us the truth, bluntly, even when it hurts. It tells it because it creates too much energy for it to hold it back. It wants to express it, move on, be creative, and be free.
Sagittarius also loves a little play, now and again. There’s a thrill Sagittarius energy feels when it is around things happening.
This full moon you may feel like you want so much to happen and yet, you want it to happen purely and honestly.
For example, you may want to have some wild exchange with a lover during these days, but you want it to be free of pretense.
Or you may want to celebrate an accomplishment with a huge party, but you may only want to invite those people who have been good to you in ways that are honest and true.
All this to say, this full moon will teach us all a little bit more what we really think about everything, but it will do so with play.
It will be a refreshing, vitalizing, and sexy moon.
Enjoy it and your full moon horoscopes below.
Love from the stars and on Earth,
The Astro Poets