It’s hard to believe, but it’s already December. 2024 is coming to an end.
We start this month in the heart of Sagittarius season and Mercury Retrograde, which won’t end until 12/15. Today we also celebrate a New Moon in Sagittarius, which is a great time to set your intentions for the rest of the month. (Read our New Moon horoscopes here.)
The retrograde energy won’t stop as Mars goes Retrograde on 12/6. Some good news: both Neptune and Chiron go direct this month, 12/7 and 12/29 respectively.
Air sign energy will dominate our love sphere this December, with Venus entering Aquarius on 12/7. By the time the Full Moon in Gemini rolls around on 12/15, we may all feel in the mood for some flirty romance.
Capricorn season will begin later this month and we will usher in a New Moon in Capricorn on 12/30.
If you want to know how all of this will affect you, check out your sun sign horoscope for December below.
The Astro Poets