September is finally here. Early Virgo season has brought its gentle gifts already, including a goodbye to Mercury Retrograde a few days ago.
Today, Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus, which will ask us to take it slow and easy toward any great change.
Also today, Pluto retrograde enters Capricorn. This will bring transformation and an instinct within each of us to be kinder.
Tomorrow a New Moon in Virgo will help us get our practical matters in order before the year winds down.
On 9/9, Mercury will enter Virgo, and we will be careful what we say.
Mars enters Cancer on 9/4, which will bring some moody vibes. On 9/17, we will celebrate a Full Moon in Pisces and expand our imaginative powers.
The month will end with flirty energy. Libra season starts on 9/22. Mercury enters Libra on 9/26. Things get sexy when Venus enters Scorpio on 9/22.
Check out your sun sign horoscope for September below.
The Astro Poets