On Tuesday, May 16, at 1:20 pm in the east, Jupiter enters Taurus.
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. It is also the largest planet in the solar system.
In astrology Jupiter governs growth, luck, big opportunities and the ability for miracles (or changing things around in a significant way you didn’t think was possible).
Jupiter’s orbit around the sun takes about 12 years. It spends a year in each sign. And coming out of Aries, it will stay in Taurus until May 25, 2024.
The sign that is ruled by Jupiter is Sagittarius. Pisces is also heavily influenced by it. Although absolutely all of us will feel Jupiter entering Taurus. It marks the next 12 months as a great opportunity to invest in a dream we’ve abandoned or one we’ve repressed. Because yes, luck will be on our side.
Read your sign’s horoscope below!