Mercury Enters Taurus Horoscopes
Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun, enters Taurus on April 3rd.
As Mercury, the planet of learning and communication, moves into safety-driven Taurus, it will learn to delay its pace and meditate more on what is given.
Mercury’s signs, Gemini and Virgo, may feel an even greater pull during this movement to settle into their knowledge and rest there for a while.
Taurus too may feel a kindred pull to the mood in the air during these days.
We will all feel drawn to deepen our learning as Taurus starts to blend with Mercury.
We will consider more empathetically what we say and how we say it.
We will allow what we already know to find its footing and be with us somewhat static (for now).
After all, what we know is the earth from which we plant new knowledge.
During this time, put the seeds of what you learn into the ground of this moment.
The love and care of Taurus energy will give you the support you need to grow.
Below are some horoscopes for each of us as Mercury enters Taurus tomorrow.
The Astro Poets