New Moon in Gemini Horoscopes
On June 18, we will have a new moon in Gemini.
There is always hope and fresh energy with a new moon. With every new moon brings in the chance to restart the cycle again.
In so many ways, Gemini energy is also about the new.
Gemini energy asks us to change things around, sometimes with no advanced notice.
Gemini constantly restarts patterns. It re-sees and re-configures what exists and brings new things in conversation with one another.
This new moon in Gemini pay attention to what excites your mind. Whatever that is tells you something special about yourself.
Set your intentions this new moon for where your ideas can go for the rest of the year.
Gemini is fueled by excitement. Right now stay energized by what invigorates you and the rest will follow.
Below are new moon in Gemini horoscopes for each of the signs.
Love from the stars and on Earth,
The Astro Poets