On August 16, we will celebrate the new moon in Leo.
Held firmly by Leo’s fixed fire, this new moon will bring us creativity, vitality, and motivation to go after life and all that it has to offer.
Just as Leo knows what it deserves and isn’t afraid to ask for it, this new moon will give each of us the capacity to believe in ourselves and the great things we can achieve.
If there is something you really want out of life, but have been afraid that it could never really happen, now is the time to plant the seeds of intention for it.
Because Leo has grand energy, be grand in your intentions now. Like Leo, this new moon’s heart is open and ready to wish for everything it wants.
Take this power with you these next few days. Set your plans and dreams as high as you can go. There’s reason to believe that everything can be yours!
The loyal and strong energy of this Leo new moon will guide your way.
To find out how the new moon will affect your specific sign, read your horoscope below.
The Astro Poets