New Moon in Taurus Horoscopes
On May 19 at 11:53am, we will have a new moon in Taurus.
After so much turbulence of the last few weeks, we will now have a few days of pleasure and comfort.
After all, Taurus energy is all about settling down and enjoying the experience of living.
Taurus energy is not afraid to do the hard work it takes to get something done.
And yet, at its essence, it wants to relish in the pleasures that exist after one can sit and celebrate the results of that work.
Taurus’s love of stability is part of quieting the chaos so that they can enjoy everything.
If life is a long meal, with so many courses over a lifetime, anything in Taurus forces us to slow down and enjoy every last bite of it.
Taurus knows that you can’t really taste every flavor in that meal if you don’t feel secure.
This new moon, set your intentions on what can bring you pleasure and security this year.
In honor of these intentions, take time for the sweetness of life whenever you can.
Don’t let others (or the world) rush you and keep you from experiencing whatever makes you truly happy and at peace.
This new moon in Taurus will be on your side.
Below are some horoscopes and rituals to help us each usher in this new moon.
The Astro Poets