Very famously, in 2013, Lady Gaga proclaimed—“I can’t help the way I’m feeling! Goddess of Love please take me to your leader!”
Venus, the planet of Love, enters Sagittarius in a HISTORIC moment. Right as the full moon above us is in Aries.
Lady Gaga, an Aries, has always known what’s up.
Venus’s entrance in Sagittarius can be described in one word: possibility. And a second: hope. If you believe you will fall in love, you will.
Sagittarius energy is uplifting, joyful, full of chance—and not interested in dwelling in the past. Sags are famously good at manifesting. So today and onward, know that however you think of yourself and romance, is how it will be.
You will all fall in love. Or re-fall in love with the person you’re with.
Read your horoscope below. Everyone is a light in this world when a planet is in any Sagittarius placement.
Always Love,
The Astro Poets