Hi everyone,
This is our first Sun & Moon profile. In the coming months we will be going through every possible combination (including yours) & telling you about its characteristics in detail. We hope you enjoy these and learn something new about yourself, friends, and lovers (ex-lovers too?).
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The Astro Poets
Sagittarius Sun & Pisces Moon: The Paradox
To be a Sagittarius sun with a Pisces moon is to live in a dream. It is to imagine everything in its ideal form. It is to pine. It is to wonder. And sometimes, for those who are brave enough, it is to be a poet and visionary despite the odds.
The Sagittarius is an archer. A centaur holding a bow and arrow in pursuit of adventure. The adventure is more important than the destination. The journey is everything in the Sagittarius mind.
The prize. The goal. It is what they wake up for every morning. Hoping something takes them away from the mundane routines of life and toward the new—on a plane or a boat or a train. The most important things to a Sagittarius are freedom and travel.
A Pisces is the energy of two fish swimming in opposite directions. Two intuitive dualities plugged into the physical & the unconscious realms. With them a Pisces carries empathy, an understanding of human psychology, and something very dark and heavy. The memory of everything before them. A feeling like they’ve been here before. Like they’ve seen how it all plays out and ends. There is an occult side to every Pisces placement. An ability to tap into horror as much as delight.
Sagittarius and Pisces are both mutable signs. A person with a Sagittarius sun and a Pisces moon will be easily tempted to go in many directions. They are not fixed or set in their ways. And this is both their great strength and tremendous challenge. The Sagittarius sun will always look toward the horizon and imagine something better. They will never be satisfied with what they have. They’ll feel an endless need to explore. To move through something. And the Pisces moon will want to join them in this search. Except it will bring the past with them. It will bring memory. You see, a Pisces moon adds weight and the undercurrents of the imagination. It reveals both what is beautiful and unendurable about life.
Someone with this sun & moon combination will be good at public speaking, being a leader, debating, presenting complicated ideas—but they’ll ultimately be bored by these. A front-facing job like being a politician, social worker, or executive will look like an ideal fit for this person. They are charismatic, opinionated, and highly skilled in persuasion. However, a Sagittarius sun and Pisces moon will be unhappy in a position of service. They must learn that the greatest act of service they can provide to the world is to follow their own bliss. Often this means living an unorthodox life and this can take many shapes. Being an artist, a traveler of multiple trades, or even going into divinity or spiritual pursuits is recommended for this combination.
A Sagittarius sun with a Pisces moon is restless. They’re a caring and intuitive friend but they aren’t always available. Sometimes they can get lost in their own questions, dreams, detours—and it can take months for them to come back to earth. They’re not the friend who shows up on time, makes you a sandwich, or helps you organize your room. They are the friend who avoids small talk and gets to the center of things. They want to get back to the beginning. The child’s sensibility. The idea of limitlessness and infinity. They are the friend you call when you’re stuck and must imagine a way out. A way to live entirely new. In this way, they are a very useful friend if not a consistent one.
When it comes to love, this sun and moon pair is tricky. A Pisces moon will have fantasies about deep attachments to almost everyone they meet. Friendships will turn very romantic. Romances will grow terrifyingly epic and obsessive. And yet, the Sagittarius sun will reject being tied down and almost appear to distance themselves from love.
A Sagittarius sun with a Pisces moon will always sample. And continue to sample. And then sample some more. The Pisces will long for enduring love, and the Sagittarius will chase down something they once read about in a book or imagined or dreamed. Nothing will feel balanced or stable exactly. But that isn’t the feeling that fuels this combination (balance). If you can imagine a river breaking out and thawing. A plane never landing. A desert filled with water. Yes, a paradox really. That is what it’s like to be a Sagittarius sun with a Pisces moon.
Now, our moon placement is the one closest to our deepest desires. Our deepest desires are right next to our greatest fears. What does a Sagittarius with a Pisces moon desire? A place where they can be a loner and also with people. And what does a Sagittarius with a Pisces moon fear? That they will actually get what they want and regret it. This person has the ability to attract immense luck (coming from Jupiter) and real joy (the Pisces imagination), but their main obstacle will be allowing themselves to feel like they deserve it.
One of the challenging things about this combination is that this person can come off as emotionally weak around others. Since both their dominant energies are mutable, they can be perceived as overly accommodating, directionless, and someone who can be stepped on.
This is not the true nature of a Sagittarius with a Pisces moon but they must learn to stand up for themselves. The best way to do this is to trust their gut. Hearing from a lot of voices and listening to a lot of people will confuse this person. They are not someone who often seeks advice or even wants it. A Sagittarius sun with a Pisces moon needs a lot of alone time. A lot of time to space out, drift, and just be aimless. They find their direction in indirection. And here the paradox arises once again.
Another thing to be aware of is how impressionable this combination can be. This isn’t to say that they aren’t a good people reader, but a Sagittarius with a Pisces moon will always see the best in people. And this can lead to being endlessly taken advantage of. It can also lead to fitting inside a box in order to make someone else feel comfortable. In other words, making one’s self small for the sake of others or in order to be liked or accepted. At all costs this should be avoided.
The spirit of a Sagittarius with a Pisces moon is large and generous. It should not aim to please everybody. It should aim to live with the windows and doors open, come who may.
Dealing with reality will always be difficult for this sun & moon combination. Their high sensitivity sometimes renders them immobile and they can get depressed and forget what they wanted at all. Which is a lot. They want everything. Sagittarius energy is full of forward moment and optimism. However, the Pisces moon is always asking questions like: why did this happen, how could this have been different, who is this person really, why did they come into my life—and in all honesty, these questions never get answered to this sign’s satisfaction. They are merely distractions, guiding them away from their true path.
What is best for a Sagittarius sun with a Pisces moon is less reflection and more action. They will already reflect endlessly on everything. They sometimes need to be encouraged to just start. To do something imperfectly or at all. To throw away their inhibitions and begin. If you are reading this and are this person, make sure to do something you love today. Make sure to forget about fear for just 10 minutes and swim out there. Free and alone.
A Sagittarius sun, regardless of moon sign, will often feel like they are looking for their tribe. Like no one around them quite understands where they are going or what they want, sometimes not even themselves. The Pisces moon will soften this feeling. But it will also add an urgency to belong and be understood, sometimes allowing the Sagittarius to compromise on things they shouldn’t compromise on.
Remember that bravery goes a long way for The Paradox. And that taking a chance will result in more than this sun and moon combination even expected, 8 times out of 10. So be brave and charge forward.
i’m so so sooo glad u started w me. can never express enough how accurate you always are. this attacked me as much as it understood me. really needed to hear every piece of advice that was in this, especially at the end <////3
so good!!!! i’m so excited to read them all 😍