Scorpio Sun & Pisces Moon: The Impression
This post is part of our Sun & Moon profiles series. We are going through every possible Sun & Moon combination and telling you about their characteristics in life, love, and as friends. Being a paid monthly or yearly subscriber gets you access to all the ones we’ve done so far. And first access to all those we’ll do to complete the series in the future. We do one of these weekly.
To be a Scorpio sun and Pisces moon is to be a person who is always flying above into an ether that is unknown to almost anyone.
To be a Scorpio sun and Pisces moon is to be the mystery within the mystery that is also the impression.
A Scorpio sun with a Pisces moon knows an ether that most living beings only dream about.
It is blue and everlasting. A Scorpio sun and Pisces moon goes there in their mind.
A Scorpio sun and Pisces moon has impressions of who and what the future can be.
Sometimes they tell others what this future is. Sometimes they hold that knowledge like a veil over everything.