Week of 10/10 Horoscopes
Week of 10/10 in Aries: Something you’ve been waiting for will be yours. It might be more than you could have ever hoped for. Peacocks and songs of love will echo all about. There is a calm and then a rush. You will be ready for all of it.
Week of 10/10 in Taurus: Hot pink lamps will make the day warm. The night too will be filled with surprises. You’ve found out something you weren’t sure of this time. Now you must figure out what to do with the information. Keep it to yourself for a while at least.
Week of 10/10 in Gemini: You will keep to the task you have set out to do. There will be distractions, but more than ever before they won’t matter to you. There’s a reason for everything. Even now you know that. Right now you will believe more in the other side of reason.
Week of 10/10 in Cancer: You will be preparing for good things. Some of it will be very important. There’s no reason to be behind the scenes anymore. In fact you should make yourself evident. Take everything that happens as it should.
Week of 10/10 in Leo: There’s good friendship at play. And more in the works if you’re ready for it. Oh you will be and you have been waiting for this moment specifically. There’s a nice way that the butterflies land in the snow. Every time it happens you get a feeling of destiny.
Week of 10/10 in Virgo: Celebrate happiness right now. As much as you can make every moment into something that calls to you. If that means closing a book or two, then so be it. Listen to the sounds above and below. Look everywhere for real hearts.
Week of 10/10 in Libra: It’s completely right for you to look among what’s already there. You may just find it while you search for other things. A song sung so slow will delight you. It’s a song you know. There’s only mystery in the pacing.
Week of 10/10 in Scorpio: Finally you have come to the place you were wandering towards. Now there is time to set up everything as you want to. Still memory takes the place of longing here. Put a purple bowl next to a green one. Let it all happen as you want it to.
Week of 10/10 in Sagittarius: Love is everywhere and is its own kind of bliss. But don’t be afraid to keep searching for other kinds, too. In fact what you can keep on, you must. That might be so many things. Don’t limit yourself now.
Week of 10/10 in Capricorn: There’s something to be said and you will say it. You won’t be worried as much as before of how people will take it. Instead you will look at the very center of the argument. And then you will find the other center. Take it or leave it this will undoubtedly give you joy.
Week of 10/10 in Aquarius: You keep dreaming and your dreams look even more like the future. There are blue birds and also a nice hot bath. You could have taken the stick at any point. But you chose not to let it linger. No instead you will dream in a quiet space.
Week of 10/10 in Pisces: Unless there’s some sort of reason to, do not waste your time on regret. And there may never be a reason to be sorry for this part of things. All you can do is to move forward. And you will and rapidly. Hold the green things as a way to make the future move quickly.