Scorpio season starts this week! Become a monthly or yearly subscriber to read our Scorpio season post. You’ll also get access to our monthly horoscopes, Full and New Moon horoscopes, Sun and Moon profiles, our entire archive of posts, and more!
Week of 10/20 in Aries: Something of a revelation. But you’ve been going through that. In the pumpkin light a dawn. What could begin again. It will be a reunion of good spirts.
Week of 10/20 in Taurus: There’s a heart that is always there. You feel the yellow and green. What begins in the space of the song. Play whatever you wish. Use the day as a kind of playtime.
Week of 10/20 in Gemini: Hardly a thing that isn’t part of the song. You know that with desserts. Slowly take in what you can from the morning. If it’s purple and green then so be it. Be one with your friends.
Week of 10/20 in Cancer: You are very clear what you most want. Some of that isn’t seen in dreams. Some of it is as real as a fountain of flowers. Give one to many. There’s no reason to doubt this now.
Week of 10/20 in Leo: You can see into the night that is blue and green. It holds your name always. You see the vision and why not. There’s a dream that everything is real. You can see it truly and why not.
Week of 10/20 in Virgo: You have friends here. In this day, they see into the future. What you most want is the thing you can see in green. Go around again into the pond. The water is part of the night. You are part the numbered night.
Week of 10/20 in Libra: Love like blue it soothes. You have every bit that is fluttering with wings of the butterfly. Write down what you expect from the magical sea. Your love cannot be gone. The love for you is everywhere.
Week of 10/20 in Scorpio: You can see your day on the horizon. In the dividing line between night and day you see what can be. So much pink so you invite it in. You have held it in the stream. You can let it flow into the night.
Week of 10/20 in Sagittarius: You connect to the gesture and that’s you. You hold friends’ hands and feel the love that emanates. Everything begins again and let it. Love is there like sunshine. Be the sunshine.
Week of 10/20 in Capricorn: You have a plan full of stars. You put them gently on the plate where you forgive yourself. You do not need to do anything. Sometimes sitting in the middle of the afternoon is enough.
Week of 10/20 in Aquarius: You let it all fall into space. Brightly seen like a fountain. There are blues and greens. There is purple love. In orange you let the friends in.
Week of 10/20 in Pisces: You prepare a nightly feast. And then you offer it up to the day. Enjoy what time has to offer. It’s not real, but it might as well be. It’s real for you.
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