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Week of 1/15 in Aries: There are distractions again. You can remain focused or let the distractions layer over you. Whatever you do, your goals will still be there. Your dreams will remain in focus. This is the future.
Week of 1/15 in Taurus: Honesty means a lot. How can you soften and still say what you feel? You don’t need to coat things in furs. But you must make the lens a pastel. Do it for everything.
Week of 1/15 in Gemini: More than anything you are ready for a new beginning. But that’s not necessary now. You can hardly wait for it anyway. Take a risk. Luck is with you.
Week of 1/15 in Cancer: Finally an opening that makes sense. Put the blue where the moon is. That could be the seat of all humor. Or it could be something so very deep. Either way you’ll be happy.
Week of 1/15 in Leo: Hardly a horizon again. You make the molten fields with sparkle. Love and everything will be there. You can make a friend. You can make everything.
Week of 1/15 in Virgo: You remain at the center of it all. You have ideas and blessings. Periwinkle nights with lots of tea. You can ask for forgiveness. But that’s not necessary.
Week of 1/15 in Libra: You are thinking of an idea. It is blissful and kind. Also, you can feel it there, pulsing. So why not enter into the room. Take your way around the opening.
Week of 1/15 in Scorpio: So many things there are to notice. But right now what you most want to see is the present. So sit there in the feelings that remain. You can write a love letter. You can address it to yourself.
Week of 1/15 in Sagittarius: Lots of emotions are also just ideas. You know the intersection between the sun and peacefulness. You are looking for knowledge. But what you really want is the picture. Take the picture with you while you go.
Week of 1/15 in Capricorn: You can hold the parts in. But they still must begin to unfold. You have folded the green up. Now it is time to take it down. Now it is time to line the desk with silver.
Week of 1/15 in Aquarius: There are sharpened things that remind you of the intellect. The mind of the sun and of the moon. But instead you will sing your song to the opening. There can be good things now. And there will be.
Week of 1/15 in Pisces: There is the place where you can forget. You don’t want to forget anything. But memory itself is forgiveness. Let the sunshine into the room. Then forget everything.
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I love these! Thank you for this insightful and beautifully written series of poetic horoscopes.