Week of 1/16 Horoscopes
Week of 1/16 in Aries: It has been hard to make it happen, but soon all of your efforts won’t be for nothing. The look of purple and gold makes you happy. Use it to dress the room or the affair. Whatever the case, don’t look around. All of this is beautiful still.
Week of 1/16 in Taurus: You can feel the light always. Right now it will be beaming. Take the time to learn the lessons you want to know the most. A sort of hurried force will help you. Think of it as momentum.
Week of 1/16 in Gemini: You will be concentrating on what moves you. Now the blue flowers have a sort of lightness to them. More than anything you will want to be with who you love. Figure out who that is. Or it’s true that you already know.
Week of 1/16 in Cancer: What is blue is also part of the sky. But you don’t need these lessons. You have a very certain sense that everything is part of what will happen. Still, you might need to make some effort. You will have to tell them how much they mean to you after all.
Week of 1/16 in Leo: A certain sense is out there. And yet you look inside. That’s good, too. Whatever gets you to the right place for you. There’s a dance you will do when you’re ready.
Week of 1/16 in Virgo: Your friends will be right there with you. Because you have given so much they will do the same. You won’t regret any of it. Visit some place with trees. Wear something that reminds you of the moon.
Week of 1/16 in Libra: Dusty pictures and the sun everywhere. These are the moments that matter most to you. Take care to record them in some way. What can be remembered will stay there. Take the pink thing into the garden.
Week of 1/16 in Scorpio: You dream about so much. Soon you will dream about all of this. This means that right now is worth dreaming about. Entirely all of it will be like the blue sea. You can wonder now and later.
Week of 1/16 in Sagittarius: Taking a leap is always good for you. And even though lately you haven’t felt like it, it’s time. The very hardest part is beginning. Once you start it will land exactly as it should. Don’t forget your dreams.
Week of 1/16 in Capricorn: Alone in the room you are waiting. Wait a while longer. The days will echo onto themselves. You couldn’t be more loving. Love yourself best of all.
Week of 1/16 in Aquarius: A dream is everything of a yellow flower. In the yellow sky a type of delight. Or should it be peace that is there and always waiting. You too will know this happiness. Sparkle and green will be the day.
Week of 1/16 in Pisces: You hold yourself to the highest standards. Now is the time to rest a bit. You have tried and that’s still important. Don’t count on others now. Count on the day and its openings.