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Week of 11/6 in Aries: A new knowledge has entered. What will you do with this new meaning. The worst thing won’t be to do nothing. Still you will feel what is red. This isn’t the end of anything.
Week of 11/6 in Taurus: A blue reminder will be strong. You made a promise again. You always see it through when you need to. Now concentrate on who you are. That’s a promise, too.
Week of 11/6 in Gemini: Larger projects will be at play. You love everything about them. You love the tiny way the light is looking at you. There’s nothing you won’t love about the letter. Take the letter into the bath.
Week of 11/6 in Cancer: You will long for a sense of relaxation. But now you must put force into the flower. This could mean work. It could also mean passion. Whatever the case, love what you must do.
Week of 11/6 in Leo: What are the motivations behind the movement. When you understand that you understand everything. Still on the arch there is a blue dove. Will you let yourself wait this long. It’s not even about that—it’s about beginning.
Week of 11/6 in Virgo: Many a true moment will occur. A green heart and a green-yellow seed. Both can be planted. Both will make the real fruit. What is the thing you are listening to.
Week of 11/6 in Libra: Thoughts of what could be will dominate the moment. That isn’t the point of this moment though. A way of decorating the wall will consume you. Make sense of the neon music. It’s there to make a happy moment.
Week of 11/6 in Scorpio: What is carried with you is immense. You know friendship even better than before. A glass orb is in the hallway. On the blue table a tin of fruit. Take nothing but your integrity.
Week of 11/6 in Sagittarius: Hope is in the night. On the pink paper something there to work with. A cup of endless motions. You are getting to the end of it. Be ready.
Week of 11/6 in Capricorn: Hardly a thought is like this. A harvest or a knowledge of what is in front of you. There’s excitement in the gold. Pears and such. It’s all a sign of something different.
Week of 11/6 in Aquarius: There will be so many smiles. You can’t even begin to know what might happen next. Everyone embracing your words. Enjoy the bites of yellow vegetables. Enjoy the songs that are beautiful.
Week of 11/6 in Pisces: Folded over the paper is intense. You have stacked everything in good ways. Exhaustion is like the way of the streams. You can be certain of these moments. These moments will stay.
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wow you guys that was so beautifully precise i almost welled up. thank you for your existence and keep up the good work! xx