Week of 12/24 Horoscopes
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Week of 12/24 in Aries: You need to figure out where to put your energy. Not everything is worth it. Tiny opportunities are where you perhaps least expect them. Take time but not too much. Be there with the pink birds.
Week of 12/24 in Taurus: A night with candles could be good. This could always be good for you. But now even more sinking into what dreams are there will give you wealth. Take time to dream with others. Make it a dream with candles.
Week of 12/24 in Gemini: You are enjoying what nights are there. In the day the purple light and what you can see best. Finally a moment or two alone. It recedes these feelings. All feelings are oceanic.
Week of 12/24 in Cancer: You can delight in this time. Because it knows exactly what it must be. Golden trumpets that herald the day. You will play them even. At the very least you will listen intently.
Week of 12/24 in Leo: It could be that now is exactly as it should. Moments upon moments and then green. You find the hardest part to be that which is where you ask of it. Green and more green extends. Your soul extends into the ether.
Week of 12/24 in Virgo: Hardly anything lost is there. But nothing has to be lost now. Orange lights find out exactly where to go. So much is pink again. Your friends play you sweet songs.
Week of 12/24 in Libra: People know you. But do they know exactly what moves you. It doesn’t have to be one thing, etched in purple. It only resounds like a song you almost know. It only can be pieced together like peace itself.
Week of 12/24 in Scorpio: You have gone to the place where you can connect again. The ocean is green with it. You hold in your heart the dark green eyes of knowing. Let them look at everything. Know what will be.
Week of 12/24 in Sagittarius: Luck and love to you. You can begin again in the midst of passion. So too the red is like an opening that you know well. Bring your friends there. Laugh and sing like you want to.
Week of 12/24 in Capricorn: There are many parts to the story. This part is the one where you can know what it all means. Finally a part of the past that you know too well. Some green birds. Some grey birds in the blue sky.
Week of 12/24 in Aquarius: Design it as you want it. No one else has to say much. Wooden dreams like finding a part of your spirit. Hold tight to the opening. You can go there, too.
Week of 12/24 in Pisces: You will hold the hand of destiny. You’ve been holding it for so long. But now smooth it over as a friend. Let the lights come in. Let the purple lights come in.
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