Curious what 2024 has in store for you? Become a monthly or yearly subscriber and read our 2024 horoscopes, including horoscopes focused on Love and Career. You will also get access to our New and Full Moon horoscopes, every Love Match in the Zodiac, and more.
Week of 12/3 in Aries: You can keep going. That’s exactly what the time demands. The voices inside will all be of what you most want. Take note of the best parts. The best parts will be here soon.
Week of 12/3 in Taurus: Stay in the snow of it. Sparkle where you can. Holds hands with your own desire. Be in the blue and light. Let everything fall into place as you knew it would.
Week of 12/3 in Gemini: There’s part of the imagination that you can hardly begin to see. A star or many that are there. Look into the future like you want to. Look into delight for what is there still. Purple and blue and a new beginning.
Week of 12/3 in Cancer: Golden fruits and a kiss. But first you must trust it. That’s the hardest part but also the most necessary. The lights that spin out. Go to them.
Week of 12/3 in Leo: You can see the rest of it as clearly as anything. But that’s because you know exactly where to go. Pears can sit there. Words can be in the mouth. Take what fruits you love into the open.
Week of 12/3 in Virgo: You know a secret. But you don’t have to tell it now. You can want to say everything. You don’t have to say any of it. All that is necessary now is your desire. Let it grow.
Week of 12/3 in Libra: Finding out the afternoon just sits there. But again begin again for what it knows. A bird or two dressed up in ribbons. They shine with the calm song. You can sing it, too.
Week of 12/3 in Scorpio: A friend that makes an opening for you is a good friend. You will have many people who want to help. You can ask them to do things. Really you should let them care. Put the shells of existence in the hallway where the night goes.
Week of 12/3 in Sagittarius: Such a pretty place as it ends. But then the cups that begin again. Drink from them as you walk into the green heart of waiting. There’s a carved place where love resides. You can live there forever and you will.
Week of 12/3 in Capricorn: Some things speak. You speak too but that’s not the point. You can hold within you a flower. Let it open and close. Let it play its flower music.
Week of 12/3 in Aquarius: There’s a road and you might as well go on it. Take friends there. Whatever the case a song. Find the sweet things to drink. Take your friends with you there into the song.
Week of 12/3 in Pisces: You knew everything once. You can feel that way again. But you won’t want to. You don’t want to know. You want the instincts to be beautiful in blue and green.
Do you have a Sagittarius season crush and wonder how your signs match up? Find out how compatible you are through our Love Match series. When you become a monthly or yearly subscriber, you get access to every Love Match in the zodiac.
Aries & Aries
Aries & Taurus
Aries & Gemini
Aries & Cancer
Aries & Leo
Aries & Virgo
Aries & Libra
Aries & Scorpio
Aries & Sagittarius
Aries & Capricorn
Aries & Aquarius
Aries & Pisces
Taurus & Taurus
Taurus & Gemini
Taurus & Cancer
Taurus & Leo
Taurus & Virgo
Taurus & Libra
Taurus & Scorpio
Taurus & Sagittarius
Taurus & Capricorn
Taurus & Aquarius
Taurus & Pisces
Gemini & Gemini
Gemini & Cancer
Gemini & Leo
Gemini & Virgo
Gemini & Libra
Gemini & Scorpio
Gemini & Sagittarius
Gemini & Capricorn
Gemini & Aquarius
Gemini & Pisces
Cancer & Cancer
Cancer & Leo
Cancer & Virgo
Cancer & Libra
Cancer & Scorpio
Cancer & Sagittarius
Cancer & Capricorn
Cancer & Aquarius
Cancer & Pisces
Leo & Leo
Leo & Virgo
Leo & Libra
Leo & Scorpio
Leo & Sagittarius
Leo & Capricorn
Leo & Aquarius
Leo & Pisces
Virgo & Virgo
Virgo & Libra
Virgo & Scorpio
Virgo & Sagittarius
Virgo & Capricorn
Virgo & Aquarius
Virgo & Pisces
Libra & Libra
Libra & Scorpio
Libra & Sagittarius
Libra & Capricorn
Libra & Aquarius
Libra & Pisces
Scorpio & Scorpio
Scorpio & Sagittarius
Scorpio & Capricorn
Scorpio & Aquarius
Scorpio & Pisces
Sagittarius & Sagittarius
Sagittarius & Capricorn
Sagittarius & Aquarius
Sagittarius & Pisces
Capricorn & Capricorn
Capricorn & Aquarius
Capricorn & Pisces
Aquarius & Aquarius
Aquarius & Pisces
Pisces & Pisces