There’s a Full Moon in Sagittarius this week! Become a monthly or yearly subscriber and read your Full Moon horoscope! You’ll also get access to our New Moon horoscopes, every Love Match in the Zodiac, Sun and Moon profiles, and more.
Week of 5/19 in Aries: The newness of everything astounds you. Right now there is no room for the past. Everything you can be will be soon. Lights punctuate the emptiness. The past is full of you.
Week of 5/19 in Taurus: Lasting friendship is key. The friendship you feel is shocking. There’s a simmering lemon flavor to the day. Be one with emotion. Be one with who you can be.
Week of 5/19 in Gemini: Knowing exactly how you feel is important. But it’s not necessary to what will happen next. As you move there is a neon ocean that flows through you. There are things that cannot be named. You will want to name everything.
Week of 5/19 in Cancer: So much is bitter. But also better than this. It can be better than all of this. You are true to what you know is the real loneliness. You are true to everything you can be when you feel this way.
Week of 5/19 in Leo: You can finally begin again. Everything is being threaded through what can be. You knew exactly where to go so you went there. That’s your great gift. You know exactly how to be everywhere.
Week of 5/19 in Virgo: So much of what you had predicted can still come true. But it will require some work. That’s not what upsets you. You may need to ask for great help. That could be hard for you.
Week of 5/19 in Libra: Sunlight makes a mood that is clear like water. Like water so too it flows into everything kind. You can find the right part of the night to say it to. You will see who loves you now. It is true love.
Week of 5/19 in Scorpio: There’s a magnetic truth. It clings to light with dew. There’s a bright orange bliss. So much so that it rings. So much so that you can feel it so clearly.
Week of 5/19 in Sagittarius: You are ready for what brings it all in. That’s the surrounding leaves. That’s the fallen energy and why not. You can collect the time. You can bring the time out in the open.
Week of 5/19 in Capricorn: So much is felt in the afternoon. But when you go out to it you see exactly what is next. Let it wash away clean as ever. You have collected the night. You have seen the night clearly now.
Week of 5/19 in Aquarius: Discovery and the days. That’s the way it accumulates time. Sleeping gracefully the bitter part is sweet now. Friends and more friends. Going through the beginning and back again.
Week of 5/19 in Pisces: You knew it all so you will know again. Purple light like a shower. Put the ornate buffet out. Let the middle part take you in. Let the center surround you.
Gemini season starts this week! Need a birthday gift for your favorite Gemini? Gift them a yearly or monthly subscription and they will gain access to our Gemini season post, our Full and New Moon horoscopes, every Love Match in the Zodiac, 2024 Horoscopes, and more.