Week of 5/26 Horoscopes
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Week of 5/26 in Aries: What could be the cause. What if there is none. Going into the greatest blue now. There’s no solution but forgiveness. Will you do it.
Week of 5/26 in Taurus: In the place you can see the smallest things. It’s the sun shining on what is everlasting. You know exactly how it all grows. Some signs are there. Some signs are obvious now.
Week of 5/26 in Gemini: It’s hardly a commitment to dream again. But then why would you avoid it. It’s everything that you meant it to be and more. So go in there again. So be one with it.
Week of 5/26 in Cancer: A piece of sweet forever. You can go in the middle of the night. An emotion or two will resound like they should. Oceans of glowing things. Oceans of sound.
Week of 5/26 in Leo: So much is depended upon. And so it grows that way. You can find the hardest part and curve around the pieces that have meaning. Little pieces of flowers. Little pieces of flowers are growing immensely.
Week of 5/26 in Virgo: Keep it to the point. That’s the way you want it to be anyway. You can forgive anyone. There’s no heat in that. Keep it passionate and quick.
Week of 5/26 in Libra: Love immensely. As the shells hold memories so you hold love. Coated with the kindest parts of everything. Your heart is wide and endless. You know what will be.
Week of 5/26 in Scorpio: Keeping it all to yourself. That may be how you hold it all now. You can be one with time. But that doesn’t mean it stops. It won’t stop at all.
Week of 5/26 in Sagittarius: Keep your optimism. The afternoon is part of light abandoned. You can hold it all. Hold it all and cherish each piece. There’s a pretty glow and that’s you.
Week of 5/26 in Capricorn: So too you can see into the night. There are ways that truth can bend together. You don’t need to be worried about that now. Everything that is real already is. Question what you really believe in.
Week of 5/26 in Aquarius: Immensity is exactly what you’d expect. You can wait to begin again. That’s where friendship will help you. Go into the day because you want to. Go into the day because you need to.
Week of 5/26 in Pisces: Every last bit of it is a part of everything. That’s something you can’t wait to feel. So too it lets itself be orange. So too you know what you can because you do know it.
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