Venus enters Cancer this week and will stay there until June. Don’t miss out on our Venus in Cancer horoscopes to help you plan for the weeks ahead. Become a monthly or yearly subscriber and gain access to all of our writing, including our Venus in Cancer horoscopes, weekly Sun & Moon profiles, every Love Match in the zodiac, New and Full Moon rituals, and more!
Week of 5/7 in Aries: Finding the key was part of what you wanted to discover. But it’s not the key that you’re after now. It’s not about an answer—it’s about a reason. And you know that. You have a reason and it’s the ecstatic dream. Â
Week of 5/7 in Taurus: So many trees and such. So many trees with purple leaves and flowers. You can sit under them and smile. You can take a friend or two there. Instead be the tree.
Week of 5/7 in Gemini: What things would you do differently. This question is not necessarily important now. But it’s something you might think about for the future, as it stretches out into what can be. Take the palm trees everywhere. Everywhere you can be in the moment.
Week of 5/7 in Cancer: A thousand pretty moons aren’t enough for you. What you most want is the kiss. You will have that and more. You can have everything you want if you ask for it now. Be true to the answer.
Week of 5/7 in Leo: Finally someone who understands you. You’ve been waiting and waiting. A heart is as true as it seems. Go to it. Finally something that is full of green.
Week of 5/7 in Virgo: A haunting song is there as you move through it. It’s really more about the future than the past. Take control of what you say now to protect your feelings later. A bright horizon in the mist. That is where you will go again.
Week of 5/7 in Libra: So many parts of the journey aren’t worth all of this. But alone you can feel the hearts make a difference. Nothing is as true as the part where you realized what can be. Go again to the fountains of ideas. Pick one and go with it.
Week of 5/7 in Scorpio: So many birds there in the room that know exactly what you are thinking. You can find a small envelope and read the letter. It’s true that what is real is also real. Think of that as you find an opening. Maybe the hardest part is over.
Week of 5/7 in Sagittarius: The end of this time is not the end of time itself. You know that finally as you look for forgiveness everywhere. Taking a part of the part that makes you grow. It’s as real as it can be. So many leaves and things growing.
Week of 5/7 in Capricorn: So many things are found on trees. You can leave them there. You can be the tree, too. And in the middle of the song you can find yourself again. Sing your own song, as a tree.
Week of 5/7 in Aquarius: Rainbows and sunshine are among the landscape. You feel joy like never before. You are making the part about forgiveness turn into the landscape. So it all frames the glow. The glow is everything.
Week of 5/7 in Pisces: You will find the part that you know to be the part that is worth saying. So many parts that can be a bright light. Take it all as a fruit to be cherished. In the rain the sun is still there. Go within it.
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