Week of 6/5 Horoscopes
Week of 6/5 in Aries: A sense of what was is overwhelming. But maybe it never was. You must turn the page on what hurts you. You don’t need to ask for forgiveness. Just go after your future.
Week of 6/5 in Taurus: A lemon yellow in the ether. That’s the way you like it, and in the morning. You have a way of finding what sticks. This will definitely be that sort of thing. You’ve set up everything so nicely.
Week of 6/5 in Gemini: Kindness is everywhere and you can sense the heart of it. You won’t miss anything. Everyday is an opening. What will you write about? Tell the whole story or nothing.
Week of 6/5 in Cancer: More planning eases into the days. But you really can’t control it. You have prepared so much for these moments. They won’t happen as you need them to. But they will still be beautiful.
Week of 6/5 in Leo: You are so strong but right now you must forget that. Take yourself into yourself. For once call on others to really help you. You love the heart of it. Go after that.
Week of 6/5 in Virgo: You will be searching for a friend. The good news is that you will find lots of them now. What is the most beautiful light? You will find it. It will brighten everything.
Week of 6/5 in Libra: A time in the middle. Friends help you with what matters. You will be searching for information everywhere. You can count on the swirling nature of it. You can count on the new burst of positive energy.
Week of 6/5 in Scorpio: You will find a photo and it will matter to you. Maybe it will seep into your dreams. Everything is sweet in some way. Reconnect again with who you love. Appreciate the sky in its ecstasy.
Week of 6/5 in Sagittarius: A teal basement and a lock. You will open up anything in your way. Maybe you will want some things hidden. After all it’s more fun that way. Fun is what you are after now anyway.
Week of 6/5 in Capricorn: Tiny flowers decorate the mantle. You want to show them to the world. Make a sort of cake. Put these designs all over it. Then feed it to everyone.
Week of 6/5 in Aquarius: Time is racing past but you still have so much time. You quite enjoy every bit of it. You take what’s good and make more good. A beautiful red and purple and green. Your favorite number is everywhere.
Week of 6/5 in Pisces: You will remember this time even if you think you don’t want to. Chaos is outside the door. In the internal world a sort of peace now that’s different. You will make it as you wish. What you wish for is goodness.