🔮 Week of 7/7 Horoscopes 🔮
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Week of 7/7 in Aries: So much so that it does hurt. But that is where the sun is shining. That is where you can see the blue way beyond the horizon. Don’t assume you know anything. Don’t assume you can’t see the blue way beyond where you are.
Week of 7/7 in Taurus: Something to enjoy. There’s no reason not to. What can be always will. The palm trees are thriving. You can get fruit anywhere now.
Week of 7/7 in Gemini: The way the vines go up into the ether. That’s something that ignites your true imagination. You know everything and why not. It’s doused in purple. It’s doused in neon green.
Week of 7/7 in Cancer: A way in again. It’s true to the emotions that we see in the bluest heavens. Nothing can be as beautiful as the rounded heart. It bends and begins. It begins again.
Week of 7/7 in Leo: Hardly anything as bright as this sun. You know this intimately. Instead the dreams of turtles and snakes. Instead the little notes left somewhere. Leave these things here instead.
Week of 7/7 in Virgo: You have been collecting exactly as you need to. There’s nothing shameful about it. You can carve into the center a piece of light. The trees have been waiting for you.
Week of 7/7 in Libra: You are sending a message of light and blue. It’s filled with numbers and feeling. You will be embraced by hope and kindness. You will be blessed with the very words that echo the beauty of your name. Say love and it will matter.
Week of 7/7 in Scorpio: There’s a partner to have now. It could be loving or otherwise. There’s a romance there but it will bloom later. Right now let the ideas flow. Right now put language everywhere because that’s love, too.
Week of 7/7 in Sagittarius: You know what can be true in the brightest light. That’s where your heart remains and let it grow into full flower. You can be within yourself and celebrate that. There’s a finely lit emotion. It’s love and good things forever.
Week of 7/7 in Capricorn: You are certain of the beginning. It’s the ending that confounds you. You don’t need to see the mirror. You can see within the water. You can see the reflection that extends into everything with beauty.
Week of 7/7 in Aquarius: So much is held as the swirls of time are lighting up the good feelings. That’s exactly where humor remains—a piece of life itself. That’s where you are, each day. Electric blue and the lightning. It means something.
Week of 7/7 in Pisces: In the night the cries. They are for love. What exactly you made from the intensity of spirit. It’s a song. It’s an overture of care.
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