I know right lol people are just haters. cancers are one of the most romantic signs so of course they are all about love. I’ve had some of the most beautiful experiences with cancers and I myself are also a Cancer sun with a Gemini moon and Sagittarius rising and most of my partners, if not all of them, have told me I’ve made them feel alive. In my opinion It just depends on your entire chart aside from just the sun sign itself but i just dislike how a lot of people hate on cancers because the ones who are well developed, are pretty damn amazing. Usually it’s the underdeveloped ones that people talk negatively about and I totally get that, but still. No sign is perfect. It seems like a lot of the audience that astropoets has is made up of fire and air (which I have in my chart and that’s fine I’m not hating) but earth and water, especially water are the least that follow them so it’s a shame. I just wish it were more balanced because the negative comments especially towards water signs are horrendous on their twitter page lol it’s like yikes everyone is so quick to judge and are salty.
Cancer and Libra - two exes who loved deeply and liberally. As a Sag, I feel guilty for not saying my first love, an Aries but the Cancer and the Libra - Cancer made me strive to put myself as an artist in the world. Challenged me, wasn’t intimidated by my loudness, the more that is me. Cancer wasn’t a quitter, and was even extra himself, DRAMATICA. PS- why am I attracted to cancers with backgrounds in theater?
The Libra made me look at myself in the mirror and stay still enough to feel sensual in my body, vulnerable and worshipped, and not in a cheesy way. Held on tightly though, without feeling confident in himself enough to take chances, afraid of being embarrassed or let down.
as an aqua, it would have to be leos & libras for me! idk what it is about them or if it’s just bc of my own chart, but i love spending time with them 🥺
Sagittarius! I’m a broody Scorpio and my 1st boyfriend was a sunny Sag who made me laugh all the time. I have a Sag sister who keeps it lively and is the best travel companion.
Love to all my fire signs of COURSE! (Really, nothing beats an adventure with a leo/sag/aries) Recently, however, I have been feeling the extra weight of the world. Two of my Scorpio best pals have been pulling me out of that cerebral place by reminding me that darkness is always at play, but aren't we the lucky beings that get to tip toe around the shadows chasing light. I went out dancing with one of them and we had a lengthy conversation after about living for your present self. It made me feel alive in sudden, "I have some control of my consciousness" kind of way. Thank you for your depth, Scorpios!!
Seems like I've had a lot of dalliances with fire signs. I'm a Pisces. Dad was a Leo. Ex-husband, a Leo. Ex-love, a Sagittarius. Current love, an Aries. I guess I like being boiled!
Sagittarius first - the full experience of very petty yet very deep; approaching things with a personal sense of truth and judgment... but it's all wrapped up in a sense of ever expanding optimism that it's all right and we're going to keep going anyway so might as well enjoy the ride <3 the knowledge that the fire's always burning
Also I'm a 3x sag in a family rich in sagittarians, so it's home sweet home.
Could also make a case for cancer; an earnest consistency that feels so real & peels back my shell, getting straight to the sweetness & fun. And gemini: pure chaos & pure alignment all in one; the conversation simply does not stop.
Gonna have to think about this one! Cancers?? I go out dancing with my cancer friend Maggie and we have the time of our lives (she's a sag moon tho so that tracks)
as much as i want to dislike scorpios, for some reason they always make me feel like i'm on top of the world. i feel like most of them are so free-spirited and as a cancer, i sometimes need that push. idk i just really like them, but definitely stay away from them romantically.
As an Aries sun and venus nothing can top the chaotic passion I’ve felt with other Aries. Whether it’s working on a project or being in a relationship together, it’s always firery, and fire makes me feel alive.
I find the graph to be pretty relatable! But on a different note, there have been multiple Capricorn sun/Pisces moon combos that have made my knees weak and sucked all of the air out of the room… in a very good way. Especially if they have a Scorpio mars/Venus. They just hang in the air, if that makes sense?
Cancer men have a tenderness that makes me feel alive, in a childlike way. I had been seeing a Cancer man (found him to be too unstable in the long run) and we had just taken a shower together. It was very innocent and sweet. Afterwards, I was combing my hair and he said he wanted to brush it for me. I sat on my bed with my legs crossed as this man delicately combed my hair, making sure he was being gentle.
There was another night we drank boxed wine and danced in my kitchen late into the night. As a Cancer myself, I instantly connect with Cancer men. I feel alive when I can be vulnerable and unapologetically myself.
as a Gemini I appreciate a little of each sign, but mostly, heartly, I enjoy the company of my Scorpio and Sag friends, and of course Virgo and other Gem
Definitely Gemini have that effect on me. (I am a Libra Sun, Scorpio Rising, Gemini Moon.)
Love Geminis so much!
I love aquarians they are always high without being high. You can just sit around and talk and think together and also dance and just vibe
cancer being the smallest piece of the pie </3 heartbreaking
I know right lol people are just haters. cancers are one of the most romantic signs so of course they are all about love. I’ve had some of the most beautiful experiences with cancers and I myself are also a Cancer sun with a Gemini moon and Sagittarius rising and most of my partners, if not all of them, have told me I’ve made them feel alive. In my opinion It just depends on your entire chart aside from just the sun sign itself but i just dislike how a lot of people hate on cancers because the ones who are well developed, are pretty damn amazing. Usually it’s the underdeveloped ones that people talk negatively about and I totally get that, but still. No sign is perfect. It seems like a lot of the audience that astropoets has is made up of fire and air (which I have in my chart and that’s fine I’m not hating) but earth and water, especially water are the least that follow them so it’s a shame. I just wish it were more balanced because the negative comments especially towards water signs are horrendous on their twitter page lol it’s like yikes everyone is so quick to judge and are salty.
That’s why I’m also here to represent and say that not all cancers are the same. Someone has to stand up for us 👏🏻
Cancer and Libra - two exes who loved deeply and liberally. As a Sag, I feel guilty for not saying my first love, an Aries but the Cancer and the Libra - Cancer made me strive to put myself as an artist in the world. Challenged me, wasn’t intimidated by my loudness, the more that is me. Cancer wasn’t a quitter, and was even extra himself, DRAMATICA. PS- why am I attracted to cancers with backgrounds in theater?
The Libra made me look at myself in the mirror and stay still enough to feel sensual in my body, vulnerable and worshipped, and not in a cheesy way. Held on tightly though, without feeling confident in himself enough to take chances, afraid of being embarrassed or let down.
I guess I mean that when I’ve felt alive was with a Cancer and a Libra - alive in the best way.
as an aqua, it would have to be leos & libras for me! idk what it is about them or if it’s just bc of my own chart, but i love spending time with them 🥺
Sagittarius! I’m a broody Scorpio and my 1st boyfriend was a sunny Sag who made me laugh all the time. I have a Sag sister who keeps it lively and is the best travel companion.
Love to all my fire signs of COURSE! (Really, nothing beats an adventure with a leo/sag/aries) Recently, however, I have been feeling the extra weight of the world. Two of my Scorpio best pals have been pulling me out of that cerebral place by reminding me that darkness is always at play, but aren't we the lucky beings that get to tip toe around the shadows chasing light. I went out dancing with one of them and we had a lengthy conversation after about living for your present self. It made me feel alive in sudden, "I have some control of my consciousness" kind of way. Thank you for your depth, Scorpios!!
Seems like I've had a lot of dalliances with fire signs. I'm a Pisces. Dad was a Leo. Ex-husband, a Leo. Ex-love, a Sagittarius. Current love, an Aries. I guess I like being boiled!
Sagittarius first - the full experience of very petty yet very deep; approaching things with a personal sense of truth and judgment... but it's all wrapped up in a sense of ever expanding optimism that it's all right and we're going to keep going anyway so might as well enjoy the ride <3 the knowledge that the fire's always burning
Also I'm a 3x sag in a family rich in sagittarians, so it's home sweet home.
Could also make a case for cancer; an earnest consistency that feels so real & peels back my shell, getting straight to the sweetness & fun. And gemini: pure chaos & pure alignment all in one; the conversation simply does not stop.
Gonna have to think about this one! Cancers?? I go out dancing with my cancer friend Maggie and we have the time of our lives (she's a sag moon tho so that tracks)
as much as i want to dislike scorpios, for some reason they always make me feel like i'm on top of the world. i feel like most of them are so free-spirited and as a cancer, i sometimes need that push. idk i just really like them, but definitely stay away from them romantically.
As an Aries sun and venus nothing can top the chaotic passion I’ve felt with other Aries. Whether it’s working on a project or being in a relationship together, it’s always firery, and fire makes me feel alive.
I find the graph to be pretty relatable! But on a different note, there have been multiple Capricorn sun/Pisces moon combos that have made my knees weak and sucked all of the air out of the room… in a very good way. Especially if they have a Scorpio mars/Venus. They just hang in the air, if that makes sense?
Truth. Add Scorpio Rising and the world ends again & again.
They get goose bumps when you touch them and those stares!
Cancer men have a tenderness that makes me feel alive, in a childlike way. I had been seeing a Cancer man (found him to be too unstable in the long run) and we had just taken a shower together. It was very innocent and sweet. Afterwards, I was combing my hair and he said he wanted to brush it for me. I sat on my bed with my legs crossed as this man delicately combed my hair, making sure he was being gentle.
There was another night we drank boxed wine and danced in my kitchen late into the night. As a Cancer myself, I instantly connect with Cancer men. I feel alive when I can be vulnerable and unapologetically myself.
(cancer sun, pisces moon, virgo rising)
Full disclosure it never ends well between us lol
as a Gemini I appreciate a little of each sign, but mostly, heartly, I enjoy the company of my Scorpio and Sag friends, and of course Virgo and other Gem
As a Capricorn sun and Leo moon and rising, Scorpio consistently sets my world on fire and brings me alive in ways I didn’t think possible